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Filtering by Tag: Chicken stew

Pollo Guisado

Taisha Roman

Pollo guisada is a classic Puerto Rican chicken stew. Its a nice easy one pot meal, perfect for a cold Sunday afternoon.  


  • 10-12 chicken parts 
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil 
  • 2 tbsp olive oil 
  • 6-8 cups of water
  • 15 oz. tomato sauce (I love Costco's organic tomato sauce) 
  • 4 tbsp sofrito 
  • 2 bay leaves 
  • 1 tsp olives with pimentos 
  • 1 cup red wine 
  • baby carrots 
  • 2 potatoes 
  • Salt and pepper to taste 


Heat vegetable oil on high heat in a large pot or dutch oven. When the oil is hot, brown chicken in batches.


When the chicken is browned, remove from the pot and drain the fat.  Add olive oil and heat.  Add sofrito and tomato sauce. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Return chicken to the pot.  Add enough water to cover the chicken.  Add olives, red wine, and bay leaves. Cook for 1 hour, then add potatoes and carrots. Cook for another 30 minutes or until the sauce has thickened.  It is best served over rice, but if you are looking for a low-carb side, try cauliflower rice.